
thank you for following my account, this carrd is just for you guys to get to know me a little better and for me to explain a bit about my account and answer any questions just generally keep things together in one place.

My cc is linked below:

my carrds/about


you can navigate through the carrd by clicking the 'next' arrow at the bottom of the page, or you can click on a specific section from the list below. The 'Home' button will bring you back to this page.

please read

hi, before I properly get into the carrd I wanted to make sure you guys were aware of the following. The thread/text was previously my pinned tweet however I've now added a link to it here and edited it slightly when typing it up on here.

I just wanted to make you guys aware that pretty much all of my gain tweets are scheduled in advance (sometimes weeks or months in advance) + I know it’s likely that in the future some may post at a time where it is absolutely not the time for gain tweets. There's only me running this account and I’m not online 24/7 as I'm currently studying my masters degree at university, working almost full time and also need to sleep/socialize etc. This means I won't always be able to delete tweets in advance before they post, or may not be aware of a situation as soon as it happens. If I'm offline and any gain tweets ever do post at an inappropriate time please dm me (I don’t always see a lot of my mentions or notifications) and I’ll take them down/delete scheduled posts as soon as I'm able to. I'll also read and share information and resources as soon as I’m online and able to as the last thing I’d ever want to do is take attention away from the causes/issues that need it. If you ever have any informative threads etc that you need sharing I'd be more than happy to read them and help by sharing them!

shoutout hours

How do they work:
Whenever I do shoutout hours I structure the shoutouts in a way so that they kinda double up as gain tweets, so even if u don't get chosen you can still participate and hopefully gain more mutuals.

When I post the tweet introducing the shoutout hour I'll ask you guys to:

❀ comment your small goal
(e.g if you're on 729 followers, a reasonable goal would be 750, or if you're on 4,882, then 4,900)

❀ participate in the rest of the shoutouts
(it goes without saying but everyone will gain more mutuals and the shoutouts will work better if you actually participate)

❀ please don't unfollow people immediately after a shoutout, even if they don't follow back straight away. some people are either on limit or follow back slowly to avoid getting put on follow limit and the amount of notifications can be overwhelming too!

I sometimes do shoutout hours out of the blue but if I have any planned I'll do a little countdown below:

I choose people to tag during the shoutout hours from a mixture of places so it's best to participate if you'd like to be chosen:
❀ recent followers of those in previous shoutouts
❀ replies to the original shoutout hour tweet
❀ replies to the shoutout tweets
❀ I also bookmark tweets that I see in my mentions
throughout the day and use these
users in shoutout hours too!

common faq's

As much as i love helping you all, i don’t retweet merch (or any other retweet) deals because i get so many people asking me to it would be unreasonable for me to retweet all of them and also unfair to retweet some but not others. you can find my promo tweets here where you can share your deals, and i'll retweet the thread every so often.

just like with retweet deals i get so many people asking we can't get to everybody without spamming my followers and when I do one shoutout that leads even more people to asking so i'm bound to miss somebody out. sometimes I'll randomly give shoutouts or retweet replies/tweets but I also do shoutout hours when I get the chance so keep an eye out for those :)

you've posted a gain tweet, does that mean you're online?
not always. the majority of my gain tweets are scheduled (usually every hour) and it's best to assume that all gain tweets are scheduled (unless I'm currently tweeting 'regular' tweets and it's obvious that I'm online)

promo tweets